Poweshiek County


Poweshiek County currently has 10 voting precincts. Polling locations may change depending on the type of the Election. Please check the specific election under Upcoming Elections for voting locations. If you have any questions please contact the Auditor's Office and we will help you find where you need to go.

Find Your Polling Place

Visit the Secretary of State's website to find where you go to vote on Election Day.

List of Precincts

Precincts and polling locations are listed below. Use the map marker icon to generate driving directions.

Poweshiek County Precincts

2 · BMWJ
Michael J. Manatt Community Center
105 Jackson St.
Brooklyn, IA 52211
Townships: Bear Creek, Jefferson, Madison, Warren
Includes: Cities of Brooklyn, Hartwick, and Victor (the portion in Poweshiek County)
3 · DRL
Deep River Community Center
701 Main St.
Deep River, IA 52222
Townships: Deep River, Lincoln
Includes: Cities of Deep River and Guernsey
4 · MS
Malcom Auditorium
212 Main St.
Malcom, IA 50157
Townships: Malcom, Sheridan
Includes: City of Malcom
5 · CGWS
Poweshiek County Fair 4-H Bldg., South End
425 East St. S
Grinnell, IA 50112
Townships: Chester, Grant, Sugar Creek, Washington
Includes: City of Searsboro
6 · Grinnell - 1st Ward
Elks Lodge, West Side
720 3rd Ave.
Grinnell, IA 50112
7 · Grinnell - 2nd Ward
Elks Lodge, East Side
720 3rd Ave.
Grinnell, IA 50112
8 · Grinnell - 3rd Ward
Drake Library - Community Room
930 Park St.
Grinnell, IA 50112
9 · Grinnell - 4th Ward
Poweshiek County Fair 4-H Building, North End
425 East St. S
Grinnell, IA 50112
10 · JUPS
Poweshiek County Conservation Center
4896 Stagecoach Rd.
Montezuma, IA 50171
Townships: Jackson, Pleasant, Scott, Union
Includes: Barnes City (the portion in Poweshiek County)
11 · Montezuma
Montezuma Public Library
500 E. Main St.
Montezuma, IA 50171
Includes: City of Montezuma
This webpage was printed on March 25, 2025. For the most current election-related information, visit the Poweshiek County, Iowa, Elections website at https://poweshiekcounty.iowa.gov.
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