Poweshiek County

Elections by Year


2022 Primary Election

June 7, 2022

Primary Election
The Primary Election is an election to determine which candidates will qualify for the General Election for a given party. In Iowa you must be a member of the political party of which you wish to vote for in order to participate. This is known as a "closed primary." The primary election is held on the 1st Tuesday following the 1st Monday in June of each even-numbered year.

Election Results

All Precincts Counted

Archived Election Details

County offices on the 2022 Primary Election ballot:

Candidate Listing – as of March 30, 2022

For the Office Of Party Ballot Name Address Phone Email
United States Senator Republican Jim Carlin 43 Arlington Rd, Sioux City, IA 51106 712-253-4270 jimcarline@carlinforussenate.com
United States Senator Republican Chuck Grassley 31705 Westbrook St, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 319-983-2458 candidate did not provide
United States Senator Democrat Abby Finkenauer 2421 5th Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 3319-389-0713 abby@abbyinkenauer.com
United States Senator Democrat Michael Franken PO Box 13401, Des Moines, IA 50310 712-635-8356 mtf@frankenforiowa.org
United States Senator Democrat Glenn Hurst 210 5th St, Minden, IA 51553 402-2909-8507 glennhurst1@gmail.com
US Representative District 2 Republican Ashley Hinson PO Box 811, Marion, IA 52302 319-804-8395 info@ashleyinson.com
US Representative District 2 Democrat Liz Mathis 320 Blairsferry Crossing, Hiawatha, IA 52233 319-361-1725 liz@lizmathis.com
Governor Republican Kim Reynolds PO Box 1775, Des Moines, IA 50305 515-954-2352 kim@reynoldsgregg.com 
Governor Democrat Deidre DeJear PO Box 35503, Des Moines, IA 50315 515-681-8490 deidre@dejearforiowa.com
Secretary of State Republican Paul D. Pate 300 Walnut St #79, Des Moines, IA 50309 319-550-9077 info@pateforiowa.comm
Secretary of State Democrat Joel Miller 375 Phaeton dr, Robins, IA 523328 319-423-9964 joel@joelmiller.org
Secretary of State Democrat Eric Van Lancker 1334 7th St NW, Clinton, IA 52732 563-357-2481 evlcci@yahoo.com
Auditor of State Republican Todd Halbur 15582 Wildwood Dr, Clive, IA 50325 515-321-4887 todd@toddhalburforstateauditor.com
Auditor of State Republican Mary Ann Hanusa PO Box 1604, Council Bluffs, IA 51502 712-256-5159 maryannhanusa@gmail.com
Auditor of State Democrat Rob Sand PO Box 8382, Des Moines, IA 50301 563-277-7355 rob@robsand.com
Treasurer of State Reputlican Roby Smith 2036 E 48th St, Davenport, IA 52807 563-386-0179 roby@robysmith.com
Treasurer of State Democrat Michael L. Fitzgerald 1315 Crestview Dr, Carrlisle, IA 50047 515-250-3118 iowansforfitzgerald@gmail.com
Secretary of Agriculture Democrat John Norwood 1611 Green Branch Cir, W Des Moines, IA 50265 515-556-9765 jmnorwood@hotmail.com
Secretary of Agriculture Republican Mike Naig PO Box 93851, Des Moines, IA 50393 515-802-2420 info@mikenaig.com
Attorney General Republican Brenna Bird PO Box 7, Dexter, IA 50070 515-789-0420 info@birdforiowa.com
Attorney General Democrat Tom Miller 213 28th St, Des Moines, IA 50312 did not provide candidate did not provide
State Senator District 27 Republican Annette Sweeney 21547 Hwy S27, Alden, IA 50006 641-373-4899 sweeney4senate@gmail.com
State Senator District 27 Democrat Sam Cox 1504 Spencer St, Grinnell, IA 50112 641-373-1567 samcoforiowa@gmail.com
State Representative District 53 Republican Dean Fisher 1306 290th St, Montouor, IA 50173 641-750-3594 deanfisher2012@gmail.com
State Representative District 53 Republican David E. Maxwell 2171 540th Ave, Gibson, IA 50104 641-660-07092 maxwellrep@windstream.net
State Representative District 53 Democrat Sarah Smith 1415 Main St, Grinnell, IA 50112 641-990-5887 sarahsmithforiowa@gmail.com
County Board of Supervisor Republican Jeff Tindle 303 S High St, Montezuma, IA 50171 641-623-3687 jwt@zumatel.net
  Democrat Paul Pohlson 602 10th Ave, Grinnell, IA 50112 641-990-1356 paulpohlson@gmail.com
  Democrat Jason Roudabush 214 E Des Moines St, Brooklyln, IA 522211 641-522-7995 jroudabush@netins.net
County Attorney Republican Bart K. Klaver 512 13th Ave, Grinnell, IA 50112 515-290-0319 b_klaver@hotmail.com
County Recorder Republican Dianna Lee Longhenry 1838 5th Ave, Grinnell, IA 50112 641-990-3319 diannalonghenry@yahoo.com
County Treasurer Republican Sandy K. Ross 205 N 7th St, PO Box 581, Montezuma, IA 50171 641-891-1564 ross4treasurer@gmail.com

Voter Registration:

Pre-registration deadline for voter registration closes at 5:00 p.m. Monday, May 23, 2022. Persons wishing to participate in this election who register to voter after May 23, 2022, will be required to provide proof of identification (i.e. current and valid photo identification card with an expiration date), AND proof of residency in their voting precinct, when they go to the polls on election day, or when they request an absentee ballot. Other provision may also apply. Persons not registered to vote by May 23, 2022, should expect a longer processing time at the polls on election day.

Absentee Ballots:

Absentee ballots will be available beginning Wednesday, May 18, 2022 for mail ballots and in-person voting.

This webpage was printed on February 17, 2025. For the most current election-related information, visit the Poweshiek County, Iowa, Elections website at https://poweshiekcounty.iowa.gov.
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